came back looking depressed and told me that the FORMER programmer wouldn't go for it. he stepped outside and made a phone call. He smiled and said REALLY that would be amazing! and he was very happy. SOF is not a complicated game programing wise. At the time i had a very skilled programmer who could have easily finished the game within 1 or 2 months. I told him my company could have done it for him and been done with it in a couple of months. it was pretty clear he didn't know what he was doing. He said to me in so many words that the programmer quit, and they had to get a new programmer up to speed, and are for some reason REBUILDING another engine from scratch which is costing them a ridiculous sum of money. what is going on with the game? are you out of money? what is happening? he kept talking about his plans for future stuff and all this other stuff that had nothing to do with the game.Īnd i said Jeff. It was very clear to me that something wasn't adding up. i forget which one, but We had dinner to discuss what exactly the hell is going on. We met at the spaghetti factory in Seattle or Tukwila. I know this, because i had dinner with Jeff to sort this nonsense out. THEN stated he MIGHT do sof2 if he felt like it. This was because the Programmer lost interest in making sword of fargoal 2, and instead used the money from SOF2 to create deathroad to canada. a LOT of time went by and nothing happened. I like the creator because he genuinely is a nice guy, but at the same time hes being a bit of a spineless coward by not telling the 's REALLY happening.Īfter Sword of fargoal 2 was funded. and it really angers me that the creator hasn't stepped up and taken responsibility. I am choosing to speak out now because the situation is beyond ridiculous.